Sensolight© est le projet-enfant de l'entreprise Sensortech Inc.

Il y a plus de 40 ans, une rencontre extraordinaire marquait le début d'une aventure qui allait changer le monde de la luminothérapie. 

Anadi Martel, alias Le Cerveau

Anadi Martel, a renowned electronics engineer and physicist, bridging with passion for the mysteries of light, crossed paths with Ma Premo, a holistic therapist recognized for her expertise in the field of well-being and her deep knowledge of humans.

Some of Anadi Martel's innovative technologies even found applications within NASA. His reputation as an expert in light therapy continued to grow, bringing international recognition to his groundbreaking work.

Ma Premo, alias La Thérapeute

Driven by a common vision, they undertook in-depth research on light, thus unveiling the foundations of a new therapeutic approach. Guided by a meaningful collaboration, they developed the Sensora system and a revolutionary patented technology, called "Light Modulation", which opened up new perspectives in the medical and therapeutic field.

Ma Premo tirelessly pursued her commitment to have the healing power of light and its many benefits recognized, particularly in the medical field. Her great knowledge of humans made her a major ally in the development of highly sophisticated devices, such as the Sensora and the SensoSphère, precursors of the Sensolight.

Christine Linget, alias La Relève

Inspired by the family transmission of this avant-garde technology, Christine Linget, daughter of Ma Premo and daughter-in-law of Anadi, crossed paths with Philippe Allouche, a former textile entrepreneur in search of a professional retraining in a field more human- centric.

Philippe Allouche, alias L'Étincelle

Philippe, seduced by Christine and her passion for life, decided to join her to give life to an ambitious project: Sensolight. Together, guided by the shared vision of their predecessors, they embarked on the adventure of Sensortech Europe to make light modulation technology accessible to the general public.

Le fruit de 30 ans de recherche

En 2022, Sensolight fit son apparition, portant l'héritage de ces quatre acteurs visionnaires. La lampe nomade Sensolight, fruit de décennies de recherche et d'expertise, marie harmonieusement la technologie brevetée de modulation de lumière à la puissance thérapeutique de la chromothérapie, offrant un soutien inestimable au système nerveux autonome et au bien-être global.

Au-delà de l'innovation technologique, Sensolight incarne une histoire de passion, d'engagement envers le bien-être et d'héritage familial. Guidée par la reconnaissance de la communauté médicale et par l'impact positif sur la santé, Sensolight écrit un nouveau chapitre dans l'univers de la luminotherapie, illuminant la voie vers un futur radieux pour tous ceux qui aspirent à une vie épanouie.